“The wise is the goal of the human soul.”
A huge artist, thinker, engineer, physiologist, urban planner… Renaissance is defined by one name: Leonardo. Both with the aim of improving his works of art, to satisfy his extraordinary curiosity and bring improvements to society, da Vinci was an indefatigable researcher with a through and through scientific approach.
He studied the effects of light, the movement of air and water, the planets… and, of course, the human body. Through observation he made exceptional discoveries, such as how the aortic valve works.
What would Leonardo have achieved had he had the chance to use today’s tools? Perhaps he would have discovered something as essential as the endocrine system and the hormones, which are messenger molecules that circulate through our bloodstream carrying orders for the cells to regulate everything in our body, from our muscles to our mood.
We now know that aging causes the production of these substances to begin to fail, which causes imbalances in our bodies. Science has managed to replace the missing molecules and restore the balance of a young body through bioidentical hormones, chemically ‘twinned’ to the original ones. In GAIA PRO AGING we use this innovative technique to promote a harmonious body functioning and, therefore, a healthy and young body.
• Corrects the imbalances that aging inflicts on the endocrine system.
• Minimizes cardiovascular risk and other diseases associated with age
• Improves sleep, vital energy and libido.
• Promotes youthful skin, cartilage and bones
Although still somewhat unknown as a medical-aesthetic treatment, hormonal optimization has revealed itself as an indisputably valuable support therapy that contributes from within the body to improving the effects of all types of surface interventions.
Due to the spectacular results that it helps achieve, the use of hormonal optimization is rapidly expanding, as it happened with other hormonal therapies such as the administration of insulin to treat diabetes or estrogen and/or progesterone to treat the symptoms of menopause.
At GAIA PRO AGING we complement our medical-aesthetic treatments with bioidentical hormones, which are administered by means of an intramuscular implants, creams or gels. Dr. Montserrat Ponga’s expertise ensures guaranteed and safe results by always personalising treatments on the basis of previous analysis and tests.
Bioidentical hormones are responsible for restoring the body to the balanced performance that usually deteriorates with the passage of time, thus providing a better quality of life and multiplying the rejuvenating results of other treatments. They produce a rejuvenating effect from within our bodies.
Session Duration
Varies depending on each particular case.
Scale Pain
No down time. You can resume your daily routine at the end of the session.
Duration of effect
Varies depending on each specific case.
You will find us in Lucus Augusti, Lugo, the oldest Roman city in Galicia, with three World Heritage Sites and endless historical, scenic, cultural and gastronomic attractions. If you visit us, in addition to taking care of you at GAIA PRO AGING, we will arrange a personalized leisure program with irresistible ideas for you; we want to make your stay an unforgettable experience.
Tell us about your dream. We are at your disposal to answer any questions you may have through our Customer Service Department.